Authored by : Abdul Basit , Anjum Zia , Shazia Ismail Toor

01 Pages : 1-14


  • Altheide, L. D. (2006). Terrorism and the Politics of Fear. Roman and Little Field Publishing group, Inc.
  • Anker, E. (2005). Villains, Victims and Heroes: Melodrama, Media, and September 11. Journal of Communication, 55(1), 22–37.
  • Ball-Rokeach, S. J. , & Rokeach, M. (1987). Contribution to the future study of public opinion: A symposium. Public Opinion Quarterly, 51, S184-S185.
  • Ball-Rokeach, S. J., & DeFleur, M. L. (1976). A Dependency Model of Mass-Media Effects. Communication Research, 3(1), 3– 21.
  • Bennett, R. J., & Robinson, S. L. (2003). The past, present, and future of workplace deviance research. In J. Greenberg (Ed.), Organizational behavior: The state of the science (pp. 247–281). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Combs, C. C. (2003). Terrorism in the 21st Century. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Cresswell, R., & Croaker, P. (2003). The practical application of polyhedral finite volume methodology to problems with large scale discrepancies. In Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002 (pp. 783-784). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Gutmann, M. L., & Hanson, W. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs. Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research, 209, 240.
  • Erick, F. (2002). Politics and mortality. (p. 23). Progress Publishers, Moscow.
  • Gartner, S. S. (2004). Making the International Local: The Terrorist Attack on the USS Cole, Local Casualties, and Media Coverage. Political Communication, 21(2), 139–159.
  • Hansen, T. B., & Stepputat, F. (Eds.). (2005). Sovereign bodies: Citizens, migrants, and states in the postcolonial world. Princeton University Press.
  • Hindman, D. B. (2004). Media System Dependency and Public Support for the Press and President. Mass Communication and Society, 7(1), 29–42.
  • Hornik, R., & McAnany, E. (2001). Theories and Evidence: Mass Media Effects and Fertility Change. Communication Theory, 11(4), 454–471.
  • ISPR, (2014). North Waziristan Agency Operation. https://www.ispr. o=t-press release & date=2014/6/15.
  • Jordan, J. (2014). The Effectiveness of the Drone Campaign against Al Qaeda Central: A Case Study. Journal of Strategic Studies, 37(1), 4–29.
  • Kelley, L., & Worthley, R. (1981). The Role of Culture in Comparative Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 24(1), 164–173.
  • Luker, K. (1984). Abortion and the politics of motherhood, Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
  • Lule, J. (2001). Daily News, Eternal Stories: The Mythological Role of Journalism. New York: Guilford.
  • Miller, K. (2005). Communication theories: perspectives, processes, and contexts. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mockaitis, T. R., & Rich, p. B. (2003). Grand Strategy in the War against Terrorism: London Press.
  • Mueller, J. E. (2006). Overblown: How politicians and the terrorism industry inflate national security threats, and why we believe them. Simon and Schuster.
  • Nacos, B. L. (2002). Mass-Mediated Terrorism: The Central Role of the Media in Terrorism and Counterterrorism. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Ognyanova, K., & Ball-Rokeach, S. J. (2015). Political Efficacy on the Internet: A Media System Dependency Approach. Communication and Information Technologies Annual, 3–27.
  • Pinsonneault, A., & Kraemer, K. (1993). Survey Research Methodology in Management Information Systems: An Assessment. Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(2), 75–105.
  • Reinard, J. C. (2001). Introduction to communication research. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Reniard, John C. (1994). An Introduction to Communication Research, WCB Brown & Benchmark Publishers Madison. Wisconsin Research, 21 (6). 828-847.
  • Roger, E. M. & Siedel, N. (2003) “Prometheus” vole, 20 ‘Diffusion of News of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, pp, 209, 218.
  • Semetko, H. A., Brzinski, J. B., Weaver, D., & Willnat, L. (1992). TV News and u.s. Public Opinion about Foreign Countries: The Impact of Exposure and Attention. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 4(1), 18–36.
  • Shabbir, G., Hassan, A. Madni, A. R. & Ahmed, N. (n.d). War on Terror: Interplay between Press (Daily the Nation & Daily Times of India) and Governments (Pakistan & India) Policies.
  • Shah, M. (Aug 16th, 2014). Comparing Pakistan’s Past Military Operations with Operation Zarb-E-Azb. Published On: National Opinion, Defence.p
  • Slone, M. (2000). Responses to Media Coverage of Terrorism. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44(4), 508–522. 04005
  • Toffler, A., & Toffler, H. (1995). War and anti- war : [making sense of today’s global chaos]. Warner Books.
  • Vick, K. (2004). Iraqi Holy City Left Broken by Urban Warfare. The Washington Post.
  • Altheide, L. D. (2006). Terrorism and the Politics of Fear. Roman and Little Field Publishing group, Inc.
  • Anker, E. (2005). Villains, Victims and Heroes: Melodrama, Media, and September 11. Journal of Communication, 55(1), 22–37.
  • Ball-Rokeach, S. J. , & Rokeach, M. (1987). Contribution to the future study of public opinion: A symposium. Public Opinion Quarterly, 51, S184-S185.
  • Ball-Rokeach, S. J., & DeFleur, M. L. (1976). A Dependency Model of Mass-Media Effects. Communication Research, 3(1), 3– 21.
  • Bennett, R. J., & Robinson, S. L. (2003). The past, present, and future of workplace deviance research. In J. Greenberg (Ed.), Organizational behavior: The state of the science (pp. 247–281). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Combs, C. C. (2003). Terrorism in the 21st Century. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Cresswell, R., & Croaker, P. (2003). The practical application of polyhedral finite volume methodology to problems with large scale discrepancies. In Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002 (pp. 783-784). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Gutmann, M. L., & Hanson, W. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs. Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research, 209, 240.
  • Erick, F. (2002). Politics and mortality. (p. 23). Progress Publishers, Moscow.
  • Gartner, S. S. (2004). Making the International Local: The Terrorist Attack on the USS Cole, Local Casualties, and Media Coverage. Political Communication, 21(2), 139–159.
  • Hansen, T. B., & Stepputat, F. (Eds.). (2005). Sovereign bodies: Citizens, migrants, and states in the postcolonial world. Princeton University Press.
  • Hindman, D. B. (2004). Media System Dependency and Public Support for the Press and President. Mass Communication and Society, 7(1), 29–42.
  • Hornik, R., & McAnany, E. (2001). Theories and Evidence: Mass Media Effects and Fertility Change. Communication Theory, 11(4), 454–471.
  • ISPR, (2014). North Waziristan Agency Operation. https://www.ispr. o=t-press release & date=2014/6/15.
  • Jordan, J. (2014). The Effectiveness of the Drone Campaign against Al Qaeda Central: A Case Study. Journal of Strategic Studies, 37(1), 4–29.
  • Kelley, L., & Worthley, R. (1981). The Role of Culture in Comparative Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 24(1), 164–173.
  • Luker, K. (1984). Abortion and the politics of motherhood, Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
  • Lule, J. (2001). Daily News, Eternal Stories: The Mythological Role of Journalism. New York: Guilford.
  • Miller, K. (2005). Communication theories: perspectives, processes, and contexts. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mockaitis, T. R., & Rich, p. B. (2003). Grand Strategy in the War against Terrorism: London Press.
  • Mueller, J. E. (2006). Overblown: How politicians and the terrorism industry inflate national security threats, and why we believe them. Simon and Schuster.
  • Nacos, B. L. (2002). Mass-Mediated Terrorism: The Central Role of the Media in Terrorism and Counterterrorism. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Ognyanova, K., & Ball-Rokeach, S. J. (2015). Political Efficacy on the Internet: A Media System Dependency Approach. Communication and Information Technologies Annual, 3–27.
  • Pinsonneault, A., & Kraemer, K. (1993). Survey Research Methodology in Management Information Systems: An Assessment. Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(2), 75–105.
  • Reinard, J. C. (2001). Introduction to communication research. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Reniard, John C. (1994). An Introduction to Communication Research, WCB Brown & Benchmark Publishers Madison. Wisconsin Research, 21 (6). 828-847.
  • Roger, E. M. & Siedel, N. (2003) “Prometheus” vole, 20 ‘Diffusion of News of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, pp, 209, 218.
  • Semetko, H. A., Brzinski, J. B., Weaver, D., & Willnat, L. (1992). TV News and u.s. Public Opinion about Foreign Countries: The Impact of Exposure and Attention. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 4(1), 18–36.
  • Shabbir, G., Hassan, A. Madni, A. R. & Ahmed, N. (n.d). War on Terror: Interplay between Press (Daily the Nation & Daily Times of India) and Governments (Pakistan & India) Policies.
  • Shah, M. (Aug 16th, 2014). Comparing Pakistan’s Past Military Operations with Operation Zarb-E-Azb. Published On: National Opinion, Defence.p
  • Slone, M. (2000). Responses to Media Coverage of Terrorism. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44(4), 508–522. 04005
  • Toffler, A., & Toffler, H. (1995). War and anti- war : [making sense of today’s global chaos]. Warner Books.
  • Vick, K. (2004). Iraqi Holy City Left Broken by Urban Warfare. The Washington Post.

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    APA : Basit, A., Zia, A., & Toor, S. I. (2023). Pakistani Private TV News Channels' Coverage to Military Operation 'Zarb-e-Azb': A Comparative Analysis of the Viewers' Perception. Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, VIII(I), 1-14.
    CHICAGO : Basit, Abdul, Anjum Zia, and Shazia Ismail Toor. 2023. "Pakistani Private TV News Channels' Coverage to Military Operation 'Zarb-e-Azb': A Comparative Analysis of the Viewers' Perception." Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, VIII (I): 1-14 doi: 10.31703/gsssr.2023(VIII-I).01
    HARVARD : BASIT, A., ZIA, A. & TOOR, S. I. 2023. Pakistani Private TV News Channels' Coverage to Military Operation 'Zarb-e-Azb': A Comparative Analysis of the Viewers' Perception. Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, VIII, 1-14.
    MHRA : Basit, Abdul, Anjum Zia, and Shazia Ismail Toor. 2023. "Pakistani Private TV News Channels' Coverage to Military Operation 'Zarb-e-Azb': A Comparative Analysis of the Viewers' Perception." Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, VIII: 1-14
    MLA : Basit, Abdul, Anjum Zia, and Shazia Ismail Toor. "Pakistani Private TV News Channels' Coverage to Military Operation 'Zarb-e-Azb': A Comparative Analysis of the Viewers' Perception." Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, VIII.I (2023): 1-14 Print.
    OXFORD : Basit, Abdul, Zia, Anjum, and Toor, Shazia Ismail (2023), "Pakistani Private TV News Channels' Coverage to Military Operation 'Zarb-e-Azb': A Comparative Analysis of the Viewers' Perception", Global Strategic & Security Studies Review, VIII (I), 1-14
    TURABIAN : Basit, Abdul, Anjum Zia, and Shazia Ismail Toor. "Pakistani Private TV News Channels' Coverage to Military Operation 'Zarb-e-Azb': A Comparative Analysis of the Viewers' Perception." Global Strategic & Security Studies Review VIII, no. I (2023): 1-14.